كتابنا : التصويبات - نظرية بناء الكون و تصحيح الاسس التى بنيت عليها الرياضيات على ضوء القرءان الكريم و التوراة
على الرابط التالى :
مقدمة الكتاب من الدكتور عصام حجى عالم الفضاء والمريخ بوكالة ناسا الفضائية
to divergent debates that spaned for thousands of years since the first steps of humanity.
This book comes with a new suggested mathematical hypothesis on the big bang theory. The astonishing fact about this book is the wide topic that covers and simplify for the reader, from biology to cosmology Ahmed Fadl el Mowla show a coherent simplified vision of the evolution of life and the universe. In a time where we live surrounded by standards that we only inherited , Ahmed thoughts are questioning them and inviting the author to re-think everything that was learned for granted. I highly appreciate this effort and courage to revisit the origin of our universe. What make this book very special is also that fact that is written by a non academic staff person which in itself a stand alone work and a substantial proof of the effort and dedication that the author has put into this book to make it at this appreciable level.
Essam Heggy
Dr. Essam HEGGY / Radar Planetary Scientist
Radar Science Group
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 300-227
Pasadena, California 91109, USA
Tel: + 1 818 393 7895
Fax: + 1 818 393 5231
email: heggy@jpl.nasa.gov
web: www.jpl.nasa.gov