اجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية ثالثة ثانوي 2012
بواسطة : محمد حجي
معد مادة اللغة الانجليزية ( للملحق التعليمي) بجريدة الجمهورية
اجابة السؤال الاول (المواقف):
1- I'm very cheerful as I got the high marks
2- Be careful or you will have an accident
3- You should wear a lifejacket
4- Could you give me a seat, please?
اجابة السؤال الثاني:
1- place: Jeweler's
speaker A: Jeweler
speaker B: customer
Function: Asking for help
2- place: beach
speaker A: swimmer
speaker B: his friend
function: Inquiry
اجابة السؤال الثالث (الاختياري)
1- although
2- recuperate
3- will be published
5-who appeared
6- landmark
7-to ask
8- depression
9- hadn't said
10- fictional
11- is
12- pioneer
13-i had gone
14- storm schasers
15- must have been
16- provides
اجابة السؤال الرابع
1- The more people want to do something, the cheaper it will become
2- Hassan is a footballer enthusiast; he plays and watches football all the time.
3- If she had more information about Hany's situation, she would help him.
4- Blackmail is the act of forcing a person to pay money under threat
5- Your face looks familiar. Haven't I seen you anywhere before?
6- After the criminal was arrested, he was sent to prison for life
اجابة السؤال الخامس (القطعة الاولى)
1-Different ways of getting information/ The best way to get information او اي اجابة اخرى
2- اي اجابة معقولة تختارها من الفقرة الثانية حسب اتجاهاتك. ممكن واحد مثلا يختار النوع الاول وهو )(I think I'm logical as I apply scientific principles
3-There are seven types ( Linguistic / logical / visual / musical / physical / intrapersonal /interpersonal
4- c- combines more than one teaching methods
5- understand
اجابة السؤال السادس (القطعة الثانية)
1- اي اجابة معقولة حسب وجهة نظرك لان السؤال معناة هل انت مع او ضد هجرة العلماء؟ ولماذا؟
مثلا: I'm against the immigration of scientists because their country should have their experience in different fields and to take part in its progress and development
2- اي اجابة منطقية من وجهة نظرك مقبولة لان السؤال معناة اذكر طريقة واحدة لحل مشكلة العقول المهاجرة مثلاً: We must give our scientists the intellectual freedom and provide them with enough money for research
3- the word them refers to highly skilled and educated people
4- b- complicated the unemployment problem
5- b) difference
السؤال السابع ( القصة)
1- Dr. Hafez thought that the man might have been killed but Leila thought that the skull was broken by falling rocks
she discovered a pattern of rocks which looked like a chimu kings tomb
1- Amalia
2- because she was the person that put the little gold rabbit among leila work clothes out of jealousy to put her into trouble
1- .. people might think that Dr. hafez was giving her a special treatment .
2- must have had the keys with him and opened the safe with it
إجابة السؤال التاسع ( الترجمة)
" إن ممارسة الرياضة تقوى القيم الهامة والضرورية لأى مجتمع مثل المنافسة الأمينة والعمل الجماعى فلا مكان لكلمة "انا فى لغة الفريق" حيث انها مقولة رياضية جيدة فهى تعلمنا أن النجاح يتحقق بوضع مصلحة الجماعة فوقمصلحة الفرد "
ترجم الى الانجليزية
It has scientifically proved that Chocolate has some healthy benefits for the heart.1
2- Water is the origin (source) of life, so don't damage the environment by polluting the water of the Nile